You know that feeling you get when, all of a sudden, something you’ve been doing all along seems to be more than you can do for one more moment?
Like you’ve totally run out of gas and can’t take another step?
Maybe you do what I do: shut down. Imagining that this thing you can’t do anymore is a building, you simply close all the doors and pull down the blinds and walk away.
I know. Me, too. (It always seems like the right thing to do at the time.)
As time passes you come back to yourself—because this behavior buys us time to recharge so we can see what we want to do next and what we need to pick back up. Everything looks different on the other side of this experience. You’ve learned things you couldn’t get any other way and you’ve seen things you weren’t even looking for.
Yes! I did and I have. (All food for our continuing weekly conversations.)
So thank you for opening this email and getting back into conversation with me and my Everyday Communication Sorcery. I’m so delighted to be back after spending the winter allowing myself to be underground—like a bulb that you only know is there when it blooms in the spring—and I have lots of exciting adventures planned to share with you. (You’ll see the first one below!)
With the background of blooming bulbs in spring, here are three thoughts that I hope will bloom for you this week:
- I appreciate you tremendously! You are the reason I invented Everyday Communication Sorcery. AND. I’ve discovered that underneath my appreciation is the inherent joy I feel in exploring, discovering, and sharing. If I were alone on a deserted island, I’d be acting the exact same way—stockpiling discoveries so I could share them. It’s simply how I’m wired. Thank you for joining me in my joy. Recognizing that leads me directly to…
- The biggest thing I discovered is how I let my innate joy become unsustainable: I used to think I had to have something wonderful/groundbreaking/
amazing for you every week. Underneath that feeling was an invisible/unconscious demand that I “had to make it worth your while to read.” Now I can see that it’s much more joyful for all of us when I put down those external “have tos” and allow myself to merely explore the things that inspire me, pique my curiosity or light me up. Sharing from pure delight feels completely different, you know? I’ve recently discovered—in some late-night conversations with the Sister of My Heart who lives on the other side of the world—that joy is completely self-perpetuating. (I’ll write more about that in future posts.) For now it’s enough to share with you the “in-my-bones-knowing” that I have nothing to prove to you. You’re here because it’s fun—or interesting or something else that’s true for you—and I’m here because I LOVE THIS STUFF and I LOVE making a big deal about my discoveries. I LOVE THE CONVERSATION. I LOVE thinking about you and imagining how much fun you’ll have playing with this stuff. It’s ENOUGH. I’m ENOUGH. Honestly, WE ARE ALL ENOUGH. And that leads me directly to the idea that…
- You and I have exactly the same potential for sorcery and delight. We are more like each other than not—and like attracts like. If you enjoy this Playbook, it’s because it resonates inside your own beautiful heart. So going forward you can count on me to play here more like we’re equals (because we are) and less like I know better (because the past three months have taught me that I don’t). I’ve realized how much more engaging and compelling it is for me to play in and explore all of the messy, human, complicated, joyful, painful, questioning ways that we can tap into our own innate sorcery (aka magic—aka choice—aka aliveness). So that’s where I’m headed in 2024—and I trust that we will discover some STUPENDOUS STUFF together (much like Calvin did with Hobbes…)
And finally, because creating classes and presentations and videos totally lights me up, I’m going to be creating a number of short, free, online experiences to share with you.
The first one is in about 2 weeks: Make Any Conversation EASIER (Especially the Ones That Drive You NUTS). If you will identify one conversation you want to make easier, I will share with you:
- a piece of communication sorcery you can use immediately to transform any conversation from problematic/difficult/driving you nuts to EASY/peaceful/doable and
- a simple diagnostic hack you can use to maintain your sanity no matter how challenging these conversations may have been in the past.
Since there will be no recording, I’m offering it twice, so no matter where you are in the world, one of them will be a good time for you: Friday, April 5 @ 7 am EDT and Friday April 19 @ 7 pm EDT. If you’re interested—or want more info—simply reply to me at coach(at)maiabeatty(dot)com and I’ll make sure you get everything you need to register.
Loving you so dearly!