Wait. What? You’re Standing Where?

You know that feeling you get when you can't think of a single positive thing about yourself? Or when somebody gives you a compliment and you have to hold yourself back from giving them chapter and verse on why they…


OK. So You Blew It. Who’s Judging?

You know that feeling you get when you believe that you have TOTALLY SCREWED UP—TOTALLY DROPPED THE BALL—TOTALLY BLOWN IT?Do you find it toooo easy to mentally slap the sh*t outta yourself and start beating yourself up unmercifully? Do you…


Heck YEAH. You’re Invited!

You know that feeling you get when you keep trying to have a simple conversation with someone in your life—someone who you need to talk with, either at work or personally—and it's always a struggle? Despite your best intentions, neither…


Put the “U” Back In Surrender

You know that feeling you get when you've exhausted all the possibilities for something you're trying to achieve and nothing you've tried has worked? When you're left with the choice of…well, actually, it often feels like you're left with no choice…

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Heck Yeah, There Is Another Option

You know the feeling you get when you've reached the absolute limits of your tolerance—or belief—or ability—and you finally have to surrender to this reality you're facing right now? The one where you have to let go of that reality…

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Oh YEAH. Emerging with Intention

You know that feeling you get when, all of a sudden, something you've been doing all along seems to be more than you can do for one more moment? Like you've totally run out of gas and can't take another step? Maybe…

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Best Holiday Gift? That’s Right: A Coke and a Smile…

You know that feeling that you get when you're on your very last nerve about something—or someone—and then ONE MORE THING happens—and it sets off a formerly invisible tripwire that launches you headlong into an absolutely unrepentant arrogant act? Something…

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You’re WHAT? Full of Stars? WHAAT??

You know that feeling you get when some thought you're having about something—or someone—seems to grow SO BIG that it practically drags you off to some subterranean dungeon and proceeds to pound the crap out of you?? And you feel…

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That’s Right. “No.” is a Complete Sentence.

You know that feeling you get when someone asks you to do something—or give something—that you really don't want to…and out of your mouth comes the warmest sound of “Sure.”?? OMG. Your WHOLE BODY IS SCREAMING NOOOOOOOO—and yet out of your mouth…

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