ALL Parts of You Are Welcome Here…

You know that feeling you get when you have big plans to do something—and then LIFE intervenes?
When you find yourself trying to do ANYTHING other than admit that you totally missed it—blew it—dropped it?
I feel you SO MUCH right now.
So I’m thinking that the best use of our time together—and this space—is to admit that sometimes, all of us have that moment when we simply don’t show up in the way that we want to.
And I’m here to assure you that it’s OK.
Here’s why: Making anything you do—or don’t do—NOT OK doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t help you or anyone else.
Mostly, though, you can prevent yourself from discovering something that you wouldn’t find out any other way.
The 411
This week Chuck and I celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary and we took Saturday completely off the grid. (YES. Thank you! It was truly exhilarating!)
Now you’d think I could take a great day off and then get back to my commitment for this series on Anger that has had me so engrossed.
It turns out that me leaving three days later (i.e., tomorrow) for Phoenix to see a family member I love who’s turning 90 completely interrupted my interest in anger—and just about everything else besides the pain of leaving Chuck.
No surprise–it hit me like a ton of bricks.
That leaves me facing you right now—because you matter to me. Our conversation matters to me.
And right now I have no words.
So the one thing I can do is normalize the experience—and I have my dear friend Cindy Ho to thank for that great word, as in:
Normalize Your Life.
(Because it’s YOURS.)
So let me wrap this up by wishing you an extraordinary week—and Happy Anniversary if you’re having one, too!
No matter where you are, what you’re doing and who you’re with, I’m wishing you the peace and grace to accept it—and enjoy it. 

We’ll get back to that Anger conversation when I get back the following week.
Until next time!