You BET You Can Talk BACK! – Part 1

You know that feeling you get when you're beating yourself up inside your own head about some trivial thing you did—or didn't do—and all you can do in response is bow your head and keep it coming? WHISKEY. TANGO. FOXTROT?!! And don't…

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Hell Yes, You Can Do Something About It! – Part 2

So yeah. There's that feeling you get when you're on the other side of something you've conquered. Then there's that moment right after you conquer something you've suffered through as the result of being gaslit, and you finally feel it in your…

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Hell Yes, You Can Do Something About It! – Part 1

You know that feeling that you get when you are on the other side of something you've just conquered? When you step out from under something that has had you caught or cornered, knowing that you finally solved it for…

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What Happened? Are You Kidding Me?

You know that feeling you get when you can't find a single thing right with yourself—or you simply can't help throwing yourself under the proverbial bus every time you make a mistake? And even though you wish you wouldn't, you…

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Wait. What? How Do I Stop?

You know that feeling you get when you're trying to stop doing something that no longer works for you so you can start doing something different—and it just seems so big that you go right back to doing what you…

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Wait. What? You’re Standing Where?

You know that feeling you get when you can't think of a single positive thing about yourself? Or when somebody gives you a compliment and you have to hold yourself back from giving them chapter and verse on why they…

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Oh MAN. Spare Me From Difficult People.

You know that feeling you get when That One Person comes into the room and you want to turn around and look for another exit? Or when you're having a great time at some gathering and That One Person walks…

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OK. So You Blew It. Who’s Judging?

You know that feeling you get when you believe that you have TOTALLY SCREWED UP—TOTALLY DROPPED THE BALL—TOTALLY BLOWN IT?Do you find it toooo easy to mentally slap the sh*t outta yourself and start beating yourself up unmercifully? Do you…

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Heck YEAH. You’re Invited!

You know that feeling you get when you keep trying to have a simple conversation with someone in your life—someone who you need to talk with, either at work or personally—and it's always a struggle? Despite your best intentions, neither…

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Put the “U” Back In Surrender

You know that feeling you get when you've exhausted all the possibilities for something you're trying to achieve and nothing you've tried has worked? When you're left with the choice of…well, actually, it often feels like you're left with no choice…

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