HECK YEAH!! Dancing is The Answer.

You know that feeling you get when you’re wrapping up something that you’ve totally enjoyed—and been truly transformed by?
You know that bittersweet moment when you dig into the sweetness of the experience right in the midst of facing the bitterness of letting it go?
What’s really wild about it is that you might not even be sure what comes next for you—you simply know you’ve taken (whatever relationship this is) as far as you possibly can…
That moment is here for The Everyday Communication Sorcery Playbook—and I’m celebrating the relationship we’ve built around it for more than a year. It’s been so phenomenal to connect with you in all the wonderful ways inherent to online conversations—and I can FEEL you from wherever you are on the planet. I appreciate your witnessing and collaboration and downright interest SO MUCH that I want you to know exactly where I’m going so I can invite you to come right along with me.
That’s the Dancing Part.
And just in case you’re tempted to turn away right now—because you think you’re “not really a good dancer” and you don’t want to embarrass yourself by trying it at this late stage of the game—let me assure you that THIS IS NOT THAT.
If you’ll stay with me for another quick minute, I can show you that there are only three things you need to know about why Dancing is The Answer
  1. We’ve been socialized to believe THIS REALLY BIG LIE: Dancing is ONLY FOR PROFESSIONALS—because Dancing is a PERFORMANCE. You can only do it IF—and ONLY IF—OTHER PEOPLE APPROVE of Your PERFORMANCE. (Without that approval, you have to stay off the dance floor—which is why so many of us do!).
  2. Although I may be the first one to tell you this: DANCING IS A HUMAN RIGHT. It’s an ECSTATIC EXPERIENCE—not a performance (because performing of any kind is something else entirely. Not a bad thing—simply different). 
  3. Once you believe that Dancing is your RIGHT—and Ecstatic—you discover that YOU CAN DANCE ANYWHERE, TO ANYTHING, FOR ANY REASON YOU DECIDE! (Music is optional.)
The 411
As 2024 rolls to a close, I have decided to embrace my Inner Dancer—because although I’ve been dancing in ALL KINDA WAYS for decades, I have never before stood proudly in the identity of DANCER (because for too long, I believed reason #1 above).
No more!
All this time I’ve been dancing in my head—or using the metaphor of dance to help my clients transform their circumstances by “Dancing with Whatever Shows UP.” I even titled my 2012 book, Dance Into Your Power.
Here’s what prompted me to stop hiding my Inner Dancer: the election results on November 6.
  • This year’s election disrupted my yearlong practice of building a global community of like-minded people around Everyday Communication Sorcery and catapulted me into full commitment of using every bit of Communication Sorcery I have to support those who have instantly become “marginalized” by this incoming administration (women, the BIPOC Community, the LGBTQIA Community, and a specific sub-set of “immigrants” that doesn’t include those immigrants involved in the tech world this administration appears to value). These results give me a really great reason to demonstrate how to “Dance With Whatever Shows Up” using every medium I have: Facebook, YouTube and Substack.
  • Lots of folks are truly frightened about what the next four years will bring—and truly frightened means you have no access to your ability to think and strategize. Truly frightened leaves you with no ability to fight—you can only run or freeze. On the other hand, knowing how to dance with your fear is the surest way back to your capacity to fight for yourself and the things that matter the most to you.
  • When I proclaim my own Inner Dancer by believing that Dancing is our HUMAN RIGHT—OUT LOUD IN PUBLIC—I promote the fact that    YOU CAN DANCE ANYWHERE, TO ANYTHING, FOR ANY REASON YOU DECIDE! (Music is always optional—and you can bet I will be playing a LOT of BTS!)
Here’s Where You Come In
Even though there is at least one of you reading this who has subscribed in the last 24 hours, this is the very last Everyday Communication Sorcery Playbook I’ll be sending out in this format.
Effective Immediately, I am starting a Substack Publication called Dance With Whatever Shows Up (Everyday Communication Sorcery for Democracy) and with your permission, I’m bringing you with me. 

This new publication—an updated playbook—will launch on Wednesday, January 29, which just so happens to be a New Moon, as well as Lunar New Year, the Year of The Snake, which feels like a very favorable beginning.  

Although western culture has nothing good to say about the Snake (from the ancients in the bible to the modern world of Harry Potter and all those really bad people who come from the Slytherin House) it turns out that for the rest of the world, from the ancients to now, Snake has always symbolized a variety of powerful and positive capacities: Rebirth and Transformation, Healing, Protection and Renewal, to name just a few.
FUN FACT: Snake is connected to dancing around the world,
from ancient to modern times…
Here We Go!
If you’re up for this adventure and you’re ready to dance with me, all you have to do is sit tight—and I can’t wait to see where this adventure takes us. 

Bottom line, though, you’re about to discover that every time you choose to dance with whatever shows up, you expand your capacity to handle whatever circumstances you face. No matter where you are on the planet, this is a win for the human race—and democracy.

Happy New Year—See you on Substack!