OK. It’s not exactly a location—and it’s not in the state of Nevada. And—odds are pretty high that you’ve never even heard of it.
Even if you have heard of it in passing, odds are high that you don’t know much about it. You’re about to find out just how crazy that is…especially because I just found out about it last week in the midst of a visit to my gifted chiropractor Dr. Aubree Brachna, at Thriving Families Chiropractic, in response to all my medical adventures. (Thank you to Dr. Aubree for cluing me in to this huge discovery!)
More about all that in a moment.
Meanwhile, you know that feeling you get when you know something so deeply in your bones that it defies words? And you know the feeling that follows it when you sensethat you’re coming across like a crazy person to those folks who have never had your experience and for whom you cannot describe what you feel?
OH YEAH. I’m totally feeling you right now. Feeling the difference between what we know and what we can share-–until we are lucky enough to connect with someone else who knows exactly what we mean and doesn’t need so many words. That’s what Dr. Aubree did for me this week…
This is the feeling I’m hoping to transfer
To you right now.
Full Disclosure
This week’s Playbook is a follow-up to last week’s hospital news. And although you can see that I’m waaay off my usual schedule, I’m not letting that stop me.
Thank you so much for all your care and concern to everyone who reached out to me—I promise you that I am doing well. A breakdown like this always offers a breakthrough. And OMG, this one was HUGE.
Because the discoveries I’ve made in the process have ABSOLUTELY BLOWN MY MIND, I want to share a taste of that with you this week.
IMPORTANT DETAIL: Although there is a medically-flavored component to what I discovered, I am sharing no medical advice with you. Nothing I say is true for anyone but me. What prompts me to share this is the possibility that there is even one person who will benefit from seeing it. OMG. If only I had known about this 20 years ago, I promise you that my recent experiences of stress and interpersonal drama would have been radically different. This Playbook would be on a totally different topic.
So I invite you to take what I say here as simply A Huge Discovery For Me—more fun if it’s useful for you. Please consider it within the context of your own life and experiences. I also encourage you to take any questions or concerns you have regarding what you’re about to read to your own medical professional. Most of all, please trust yourself to find the answers that are true for you.
Now…if you’re still reading…here’s where this discovery began:
Think about the last time something big crashed in your life. It might have been medical like mine, or it might have been a relationship or a job. When you look back on it, do you find that (this thing) suddenly Crashed BIG Out of Nowhere? Or were there a series of small details over time that you continued to ignore—or couldn’t figure out how to address?
What landed me in the ER (twice in 3 weeks + the hospital overnight) was a combination of both. The big surprise for me was an added dimension that I had never even considered: a complete and total ignorance of how our bodies really work.
Now that feels crazy—I’ve been studying the “HOW” of experience for FOUR DECADES. It’s been my life’s work to find out how to live the most healthy and powerful life possible. I’ve learned a lot and I’ve shared a lot.
It’s crazy to me that my discovery of how our bodies are wired to survive is less than a week old.
What Do You Think?
So here’s the medically-flavored stuff that I invite you to consider and then make your own decision about:
- Most of us have been taught throughout our lives that help in all its forms comes from OUTSIDE of us. There are experts who know exactly what to do for us when, say, we have a medical emergency (like a stroke or a heart attack or something like that). We’ve all been trained in the signs to watch for when someone needs a doctor—or an ambulance. No argument with this—we get full propers for knowing how to help/save people’s lives. These folks have spent years training to do this work, so we need to let them lead this conversation. Makes total sense, right?
- On the other hand, although many of us have been taught to help/save lives, we may never have been taught that our bodies are BUILT to self-correct. Although we know about eating right and exercising, we may not have been taught how to tap into the global intelligence INSIDE of us that’s designed expressly for our survival. This is what Dr. Aubree showed me: it’s our Vagus Nerve. It connects our brain, our head and our gut—it’s like our personal Command Central. Introducing you to this is so important to me that I’ve added it to my website—that’s where this link will take you. My guess is that when you see it for yourself, you will be as blown away as I am to imagine what would be different in your life, now that you know about it and can learn how to tap into it at will.
- Now here’s where I’m stepping out on a limb and risking ridicule. (Of course if I don’t do that on a regular basis, how useful would I be as a Communication Sorceress? My job is to get out there on that limb and see what’s happening, right?) Here it is: What IF you had access to BOTH the INSIDE and OUTSIDE resources? What if you knew enough about how your body works to be in a collaborative conversation with your medical professionals? What would be different if they listened? My feeling after this week’s discovery is that understanding the Treasure Trove we have in our Vagus Nerve can transform the quality of the conversations we have with the professionals who are trained to save our lives … because we will be an active member of that team.
That’s enough mind-blowing stuff for one Playbook. On Thursday, I’ll give you the 411 on your Vagus Nerve in Part 2. Meanwhile, here’s your…
Play of the week: This week, I invite you to consider the possibility that you can have more power than you think when it comes to your health and well-being. Here are three things you can do right now to dig deeper into your personal experience of your Vagus Nerve:
- Observe: Check out the graphic of your Vagus Nerve
on my website. Simply give yourself the chance to take in this information. What’s new for you? What did you already know? How does it feel to know this? - Investigate: Now that you’ve discovered the four big categories of body processes that your Vagus Nerve controls, take a moment to assess how each of those processes are functioning for you. What did you discover? (This was a HUGE AHA for me—I had no idea that every single one of the symptoms I’ve been experiencing for the past year is directly related to my Vagus Nerve. No one else could figure it out—until Dr. Aubree shared this graphic that hangs in her office with me. So if this helps you any way, I am truly THRILLED.
- For those of you (like me) who love the DEEP STUFF—JUMP IN: Take another look at the July issues of this Everyday Communication Sorcery Playbook in our Archives—there were three in a row about Energy. Now that you can see how the health of your Vagus Nerve affects your experience in four bodily categories, what can you discover about your Energy Levels and its connection to your Vagus Nerve? (Just looking will give you information you can’t get any other way—you can trust that you’ll see/feel something useful.)
Try out these three actions and see what happens. The Big Win here is to consider the possibility that your actions have merit—something you can only prove one way or the other by trying them out.
Important Note: All you’re doing this week