OMG!! THAT Triggers My Anger???

You know that feeling you get when something happens that’s so far outside of what OUGHT to be happening that it seems to grab you by the shoulders and SHAKE you? When something sooooo threatens the very fabric of your life that you practically burst into FLAMES over it??
Yep. That would be a totally NORMAL expression of your ANGER.
And if you read last week’s post, you know exactly what Anger IS:
  • Your biological ALARM
  • THE EMOTION that alerts us to a POTENTIAL THREAT—when some boundary of ours has been violated
  • In other words, the feeling that: “THAT’S NOT RIGHT
Anger 411
Now that we’ve had The ANGER TALK, you know that:
  • Anger is a universal emotion whose sole purpose is to keep you safe
  • Anger invites you to pay attention and DO SOMETHING.
  • When our anger is “Unhealthy” it’s expressed with BLAME towards the other person—as if the boundary violation is their fault. Unhealthy anger shows up in three behaviors that harm any relationship: “aggressive” (physical violence aimed at another), “passive-aggressive” (the snide sarcastic version that uses psychological violence) or suppressive (feeling angry yet swallowing the feeling, so it leaks out in your behavior in other ways).
  • When our anger is “Healthy” it’s expressed directly—without blame—even if you do it loudly or even emotionally: “I don’t like this” or “I don’t want this.” There’s NO BLAME in healthy anger—only an invitation for action and change—so it deepens any relationship.
HOW Does Our Anger Get TRIGGERED?
Given the biological fact that anger is the physical alarm that our boundaries are being threatened, anything that threatens those boundaries—given the wide variety of what constitutes a boundary for each of us—has the potential to trigger our anger.

In general, though, the first place to look for HOW we get triggered is to look at our Energy Level. When it’s HIGH, we’re well rested, we’re feeling physically and mentally strong; we’re feeling well-nourished and SAFE.
When our Energy Level is HIGH
It takes a lot to trigger our anger. 

And here’s WHY: Think of a physical structure that’s well built and well-fortified against attack. No surprise that it’s gonna take something pretty big for any of the guards to signal an alarm. Most attacks are gonna be inconsequential, since they’ll bounce right off the walls—you might even find those guards looking down and laughing at the inadequacy of their attackers.
People are built in the exact same way.
When your energy is strong, you can put up with a lot more aggravation or frustration without feeling that your boundaries are being violated.
You can see “ignorance” in other people’s—even aggressive—behavior. You can ignore their snide remarks without taking it personally—because frankly, their opinion of you is none of your business, since it’s really all about them anyway. And if you don’t like something you get or something somebody is doing, you don’t have to suppress anything, you can simply call it out and ask for what you want instead.
On the other hand, a physical structure that’s poorly built and falling apart needs a lot more attention to its boundaries, since they can so easily be breached.
In that case, anyone and anything can be as dangerous to us as that Fairy Tale Wolf outside the doors of 2 of those Three Little Pigs: “I’ll huff, and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!” because it takes absolutely NOTHING to set off our boundary alarm. (In other words, a “hair trigger” for anger.)
Here’s WHY: When we’re frustrated, dissatisfied, hungry, sleep-deprived—or afraid—we might as well be built of straw or sticks, because we have no defense against even the slightest behaviors from others that don’t fit what we think is “right.” It takes almost nothing for our anger alarm to go off—our instant protection for our boundaries being violated.

And, no surprise, more often than not, it’s one of the three varieties of unhealthy anger…
It turns out that the folks who are the most angry at the most things in this world are often the ones who are the most afraid, as well as the most physically depleted…because fear and anger are directly related to our innate Fight or Fly response. These three biological facts are true for all of us:
  1. While Fear makes you Run (Fly), Anger makes you FIGHT.
  2. While Fear leaves you feeling vulnerable, Anger leaves you feeling powerful. (ONLY unhealthy Anger does it at the expense of others)
  3. BOTH Fear and Anger prevent access to your brain because any thinking at all reduces your ability to either Fight or Fly.
the more depleted your ENERGY,
the more vulnerable you are to both Anger and Fear.
How About YOU?
What do you think about the connection between Anger and Fear and Boundaries and Energy? What questions—or comments—do you have about today’s episode? I’d love to hear your thoughts—feel free to reply to this email!
Next week we’ll explore some strategies for having the most amount of choice when you feel angry as well as ways you can deepen your important relationships by adding Healthy Anger into your conversations.
Final Election 2024 Comment:  Thank you for your support of this conversation—I appreciate you tremendously. Thank you for walking through the elements of Anger with me, as I work through my own exploration of what has gotten me so angry about this election season. 

In the process of my exploration I got to the root of my anger when I found a description that says it all in an article by Bernard Golden in the March 20, 2021, online edition of Psychology Today International: “…promoting fear and anger is a hallmark strategy used by authoritarian leaders to intensify our sense of threat and subsequently gain power.”
Your vote is your voice. You can use it to decline that kind of power.

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