OH, MAN—I Can’t Come Back If I Don’t LEAVE!

You know that feeling you get when you realize that something truly important has absolutely taken over your life–and it compels you to say goodbye to just about everything else that used to be so important to you??
You might have fallen in love with someone—or some cause or some place—and everything in your life transforms in an instant.
There’s simply no going back. All of a sudden, “Forward” is the only direction that makes any sense to you.
That’s exactly what happened to me on November 6—and that’s why this Playbook has been on temporary hiatus. I dropped EVERYTHING to get into action for our Democracy. 

Frankly my passionate idea of building a Community for Everyday Communication Sorcery PALES in comparison to doing everything I can to support everyone in this country who is standing up to this authoritarian takeover that threatens the very fabric of our Democracy (even as flawed as I admit that it is).
Thanks so much for giving me the space to be able to put my experience into words.
The 411
On November 6, the entire world changed for millions of people in this country, when the worldview we had all worked so hard for very quickly disappeared into thin air—many of us, including me, were left gasping for breath in our shock and disbelief.
There were those of us that day who shouted loudly that we wouldn’t go down without a fight. (My favorite one was Rachel Maddow, which I discovered is best watched at fullscreen to cancel out all the other graphics from the station that compete for your attention while she speaks.)
That morning my belief in the power of our Democracy and the potential for a Kamala Harris presidency was so strong that I didn’t believe him when my husband Chuck told me the bad news about the election results at 6 am.
It wasn’t until several hours later—when my BFF Cindy Ho and her husband Shrijesh Khadka told me about it from across the planet (in Melbourne, Australia)—that my own shock and disbelief finally knocked me off my feet.
It took me about an hour to shake it off—my response was to get into action immediately. I headed right over to Facebook to create the first of my daily FB Lives—all I could think to do was stand up in defiance of what looked like a harrowing new world order.
For 21 days straight, until Thanksgiving, I created daily FB Lives to show ONE Everyday Communication Sorcery practice that would help us all to get through that day.
Since taking Thanksgiving Day off, I’ve seen how crucial it is to factor in my need for rest so I can keep sustainably posting over the long haul—so my initial “daily” has turned into weekdays, until tomorrow, Friday, December 20.
That’s when I’ll take a social media break until January 6, 2025, to rest and nourish my brain, so I can hit the ground running in the New Year with sustainable strategies we can all use to stay focused and sane—in absolute defiance of the oncoming authoritarian assault.
What Next?
As I write this on December 19, the news from DC is excruciating—chaos has already begin with the input of the richest man on the planet, who never got even one vote from the American people, and is deciding out of hand to blow up everything that took 260 years to create.
My job going forward is to maintain my own sense of sanity in this midst of this chaos and pass on the Sorcery I know as well as everything new that I’m learning to you.
Our Global Community already exists and you’re important to me—I have no doubt that wherever you are, the impact of what’s happening in this county will be hitting you in ways that none of us could have predicted, even three months ago.
Starting the week of January 6, 2025, this playbook will be rebranded as Everyday Communication Sorcery for Democracy. And in case that might seem like an American focused conversation, it’s DEFINITELY NOT.
The word “democracy” comes from two words from the ancient Greeks:
Demos = People
Kratos = Power
My true love for the idea of “democracy” comes from my decades-old deep passion for finding ways to Dance Into Your Power (that’s the book I wrote in 2012, that you can still find on Amazon).
The practice of using Everyday Communication Sorcery results in a steady increase in your Personal Power over time. The more you use it, the more powerful you become—and—the more choice you have in every moment, every conversation, as well as every presentation.
In the immediate future, wherever you live, your ability to choose your response in any moment will mean the difference between you getting swept away by the chaos that’s already being unleashed—and being a part of a global Community of humans who are the unwavering bulwark against it.
How About You?
What do you think? Are you ready to join me in the fight for our lives and our livelihoods?
Are you ready to join me in the fight to stand up and protect those folks who have fought so long and hard for their equality and whose lives are currently at risk:
  • Women,
  • the BIPOC Community,
  • the LGBTQIA Community,
  • Targeted Immigrants (since we are AAAALLLL Immigrants to this country taken from the Indigenous Native Americans)
  • Anyone who speaks up and speaks out against the coming atrocities
In upcoming issues. I’ll be sharing ONE THING each time:
  1. how it can work for you in any circumstance where you want to stand in—or dance into—your personal power
  2. One action you can take immediately to put it into practice
  3. How it applies to standing up for Democracy wherever you are
If you’re ready, I invite you to contribute your thoughts and comments to me anytime, simply by replying to this (and any future) email/s.
And of course, you can unsubscribe at any time—no questions asked. There are lots of ways to get through these next few years, and no matter what you decide, you are always invited here.
Wishing you a truly nourishing end of 2024 in whatever way you celebrate and sending you—
Armfuls of Love and Joy