Meet Maia
Hiya. It’s a pleasure to meet you—thanks for stopping by.
It’s been a truly amazing experience to claim my place in the world as The Communication Sorceress™ in the beautiful month of May 2023. It blows my mind that it took being in business for over 33 years for me to work up the courage to stand up and introduce myself this publicly as 1000% Maia. (Actually, it took a Facebook hack a week ago, where I lost 15 years of contacts and content that prompted me to think about how exactly I wanted to start over.) Frankly, how I feel right now is worth everything it cost.
For all of my career, I believed that my work had credibility only if I was part of a company. Then I got hacked. That’s what it took for me to recognize that my heart was aching for the chance to claim my own Communication Sorcery. I’ve dearly loved the artistry of doing this work for over three decades. So, I decided to step out from behind the shield of my company and bring my WHOLE self to my work in a way that I bet will draw you right in—or else leave you quickly closing this page.
Both responses are awesome—because they’re authentic. That’s my absolute favorite result of the Communication Sorcery I’m here to share with you: I’m totally happy to forego being “right” in favor of being authentic.
So what do you think?
If you feel like you’re in exactly the right place, I’m cheering wildly (as I am wont to do.) And if this feels completely weird to you, no worries. Trust me, that’s totally perfect, too. Leave now—because I promise you that there’s another coach out there who’s a perfect fit for you.
OK then. So here we are. AWESOMENESS! I’m so delighted that you’re here.
Even though this is a virtual meeting, I’m imagining you being here and thinking about what you would most want to know about me. There are lots of things that I hope I get to know about you, too, so I can best connect you to my Everyday Communication Sorcery™ in a way that works for you. I hope you’ll join my mailing list so we can deepen our relationship over time, conversation by conversation.
To get us started, though, here are the TOP 3 Most important Things you ought to know about me:
Communication is my lifelong JAM—to paraphrase my own coach, I love it so much I could make out with it! I started my career as a 17-year-old runaway, leaving my home with the clothes on my back and $30 in my pocket. After spending the next 3 years in a variety of illuminating adventures (read that “making mistakes every minute until I ran out of all other options”), I spent over 11 years in the US Navy doing a variety of “non-traditional” jobs (read that “jobs that were meant to be done by men”) until I found my initial calling as a Navy Certified Addictions Counselor (that led me directly to everything else I’ve done in my life, including this moment meeting you). All along the way, I learned everything I could about how to communicate effectively—by making every mistake in the book. The secret to my success was being relentless about learning as much as I could from all my mistakes and then sharing what I learned in a variety of ways.
The treasure of my life is connecting with people who want to tap into their own innate genius—even though those are never the words they say when we meet. These are people who WANT something from themselves and their life, and they won’t stop until they get it. One way or another, that’s what leads them to me. I love sharing what I’ve learned—and I love learning something new from everyone I meet (those I work with have always taught me the most.) The most flat-out FUN I have in my professional life is because of these three practices (rooted in my 8 years of experience as an addictions counselor): connecting with my audiences and sharing my ideas as an international keynote speaker; creating leadership and interpersonal communication trainings as a Master Trainer and watching my learners transform before my eyes; and witnessing my coaching clients blow the doors off their personal barriers to create results that astonish them.
My life has been transformed from “hell on earth” as a 17-year-old into “90% Nirvana + 10% opportunities to grow” in my seventh decade. I do work that I love every day, my third (and final!) marriage of 33 years nourishes me beyond words, and I have a community of chosen family and friends who inspire, support, and challenge me. All those things support my healthy body and curious mind. The Communication Sorcery practices that I teach my clients are the same ones that I use every day; they keep me resourceful and open to embrace my happiness, no matter what circumstances I face.
How About YOU?
What are the Top 3 Things you want me to know about you? I invite you to email them to me.
You can also join my mailing list and find me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. My YouTube Channel is coming next. Let’s start a conversation!
“Maia has an incredible gift for bringing out the best in you.”
Elle Harrison, Founder, Wild Courage, London, UK